Monday, October 27, 2008

Standard Deviation of......................

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;

The people who wrote the constitution... the preamble of which is cited here... probably did not consider the following obvious issues while they were busy getting us our freedom and charting what was to be meteoric rise of a nation-state.

1) EQUALITY of status and of opportunity

- not if you are a north indian in Maharashtra... and trying to write an exam for a railway job...
- not if you are "an upper caste hindu" anywhere in India... it wouldnt matter if you are the best at what you do... I think we should also get a quota for merit now... (deviating a little...i dont think there was any worse time to be an upper caste hindu...) Call me insensitive... but i refuse to be treated by a doctor who could not manage to get a 50% on his bio exam... what you are saying is...his prescription may be 50% correct...though i would recommend this doctor to a certain Mr Arjun Singh...

2) JUSTICE, social, economic and political

well... no point in even atempting bullet points on this not because this is well taken care of... but because i dont quite understand in todays scenario what is justice! let alone social economic and political...

what i do understand is that if you make enough noise and burn enough buses you get quotas & reservations ... atleast it gets you on TV... actually anything gets you on TV these days...

also... if any random politician says i think so and so community should get so & so percentage of seats...its a win-win...coz no other party will actually come out and say this is not right... due to the fear of the latter losing those votes to the former...

another... it pays to be in politics... if you were in Congress in '84... you went scotfree reason being ' jab bada ped girta hai to dharti hilti hai'... if you were in BJP wen the babri masjid 'fell'... you are prolly in line to be PM...

as i said... i dont understand this concept to write about it... so we will go to the next...

3) LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

- the Mumbai argument again
- Midnight mass...which cant happen at midnight
- Orissa & Karnataka massacres...
- if Jaya Bachchan wants to speak in Hindi.... let her... why does the PVR booking window have to be broken for it.
- Amarnath yatra threats..

- you cant screen Jodha Akbar.... in Rajput areas... or Aamir Khan movies in Gujrat... or Bachchan movies in Bomday (HA!!) ( If they speak in hindi)...

- "Water" cant be made in banaras... though its set in it...and based on it... but well... it shows the not-so-pretty side of hinduism......... now dont go about thinking i am anti-hinduism... i am a hindu... but lets call a spade a spade...

4) FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation

- now im not limiting this to the MNS and SHiv sena...but did the congress actually think linguistic states was good for unity of the country????

- homosexuality is immoral??!!! Hello!!! We are the second largest population in the country... we can do with some less breeding here!!! OK... jokes apart... its a personal choice and a nation can not ostracize a community ... we are anyway a homophobic population... we are pushing these people further into anonymity.... a closeted life... and increased susceptibility to STDs... where is the dignity of the individual and this community????

- the number of ppl whose faces were blackened by the MNSs and students unions... they are yet indians... and last we checked there was a justice system... or that too is only limited to getting anticipatory bails????

ANNNND....can someone pl explain why SIMI is a banned orgn but Bajrang dal / VHP are not... dont get me all for banning orgn if they intend to kill ppl...but are we banning only islamic orgns??? coz maybe im toooo liberal..but it doesnt sound right in a "secular" country... are we yet that or have we amended the preamble to read... "We will be what suits us the most and gets us the most votes"