Thursday, November 27, 2008

The spirit of Bombay

I came to Bombay 4 1/2 years ago... and in this period i have seen the crisis situations like the flood, the bombings, the MNS menace - and the day-to-day struggle of a mumbaikar coz of the lack of infrastructure - sorry state of roads, no prep for the monsoons, packed local trains, traffic jams etc etc etc... and everytime all this is swept under the carpet of the "spirit of mumbai"...

in the beginning i was really amazed - i was in awe of this city and its people who bounced back the very next day after the flood in 2005...everyone applauded the spirit of mumbai - accolades to the mumbaikar... 'thats wot makes bombay' ... and that was that - nothing was done. bombay was stuck again in the next monsoon and the next and the next. The spirit of bombay keeping it afloat.

trains were bombed... the average mumbaikar descended on the roads with food and water to help the ones affected... "praise the spirit of bombay" ... and nothing was done... life went on.
MNS went on a rampage -- killed a student -- destroyed govt and pvt property -- party 'karyakartas' held the city hostage as the MNS chief went to court. "spirit of bombay blah blah blah" - life goes on

Now yesterday terrorists open fired at CST, Leopold cafe, trident, taj, cama hospital, bombed vile parle & santacruz... killing more than 125 innocent people (number increasing by the minute) injuring many more... hostages yet held at nariman house taj and trident. Mumbai has lost 3 of its top cops... encounter carries on...Army takes over the city after 15 years... now what will happen??? Will the mumbaikar again be assuaged by the praise of his/her spirit... or will bombay finally put its foot down and say enoungh is enough... Will bombay spearhead a people's movement -- will there be change or will we go back to business as usual??? Time will tell.

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